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Become an advertiser

Girly Car offers you to communicate in a new way in order tooptimize your impact !

Your advertising offered directly to your target through a National Network !


Advanced monitoring to assess your performance and ensure truly innovative advertising visibility !

Gain visibility!


National or regional impact, you are in control. Thanks to Girly Car you choose your target territory. You gain visibility!

Our clientele composed exclusively of women and children
allows you to target your communication effectively.


Impacting in one click 7 days a week, 24 hours a day

Your video clip broadcast instantly according to your terms and locations.

Custom geo-targeting

You have complete choice as to broadcast areas and broadcast times. 


Real proximity to your targets

We assure you a display of proximity and exclusivity with your targets. This is our commitment!

The characteristics of our
broadcast offer
Find the key characteristics of our commercial offer. If you are announcedeur do not hesitate to contact us!


20 seconds

Broadcast format of your spot with sound and interactivity


24 hours a day
7 days a week

Your spot is immediately broadcast and can be modified 7 days a week!


Intimacy with your audience

A real diffusion intimacy. Stop overharvesting!


Repeating your message

We assure you a repetitive exposure of your spot!

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