Move safe!
Join the Girly community!
We guarantee you the support of an experienced driver!
To request a ride,
Download the GIRLYCAR app

You do not wish to order a race but
are you a VTC driver?

A social app

Order a raceinstant, scheduled or in the form of a subscription.
Order a race for your child, see the evolution of demand.
Follow your child from the pick-up to the end of the race.
This feature is available at any time, even outside of a Girly Car service.

Real-time chat between the client and her driver before the race and during it possible chat with the child taken care of.
The opinion and sharing of the community is paramount. The possibility is left to the customer to evaluate the driver.

Advertising on waiting screens.
Entitles you to discounts on Girly services.
Imagine an outing with friends, a group activity.
It's time to go home.
Each "Girly User" can activate theinstant location sharing feature with the other members of the group.
Virginie returns in Girly, Marie is on a bike, Samira returns by bus and yet during their return trip, they can chat, locate each other and make sure that everyone gets home safely.
Once the return has been validated, the cross geolocation stops.
In the event of a problem, an alert can be launched with the exact position of the person requiring assistance.