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The vehicle network "Girly"

The transport of people represents the base of the income of the holding company through its national subsidiaries.

The support of our customers via our application is the foundation of our strategy.

Shopping can also be initiated from our various partners such as sports centers, beauty centers, hairdressers and other merchants wishing to offer a pleasant extension of the customer experience.

The network of "Affiliated" vehicles

Expanding our network to self-employed drivers is part of our development strategy.

An affiliated "Girly Car" driver will be required to subscribe to our charter of values.

In addition to this moral commitment, the affiliated driver must accept the tracking system and on-board camera.

This on-board camera will be part of the security pack. Its use will be supervised and respectful of the rules of confidentiality and strictly limited to the proper execution of the delegated mission.

logo Girly Car application

Location : 

1390 Avenue du Campon

06110 Le Cannet - France

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